“CFC" Characterization of complex fluids


Backing Laboratory



Platform Manager

Jean Luc DARIDON (jean-luc.daridon @ univ-pau.fr)

Contact and quote request

uppatech @ univ-pau.fr (uppatech @ univ-pau.fr)

Contact us


Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Avenue de l'Université

F-64000 Pau

uppatech @ univ-pau.fr

+33 (0)5 59 40 79 17

Platform “CFC" Characterization of complex fluids

IPRA - Platform “CFC"
IPRA - Platform “CFC"

The CFC technical platform offers experimental devices for measuring fluid-fluid and fluidsolid phase equilibrium conditions and for characterizing the thermophysical properties of fluids.

Fields of application

  • Measurement of fluid-fluid, fluid-solid phase equilibrium conditions for pressures up to 100 MP
  • Interfacial properties of fluids (variation of pressure and temperature conditions)
  • Thermophysical properties of fluid phases.

Equipment and Instruments