Platform “XRISE" Characterization of surfaces and interfaces

The "Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces" technical platform offers additional equipment for defining the physical and chemical properties of solid and viscous samples using spectroscopic and imaging methods.
Fields of application
- Materials: energy storage, corrosion studies, microelectronics, catalysts
- Environment, Health: nanoparticles
- Polymers: tyres, recycled materials
Themes and skills
- Surface spectroscopic analysis: detection of chemical elements, determination of
local chemical environments (speciation), quantitative analysis - Chemical mapping of surface elements
- Morphological Analysis of a Surface / Measurement of roughness and surface mechanical properties
- Electronic Structure of Materials
- Transfers and Analyses of samples in controlled atmosphere / Cold analyses (frozen T N2 samples)
- Lateral resolution (depending on equipment): 1 nm to 700 mm, depth resolution: 1 nm to 10 nm, cross-polisher / FIB up to 100 mm (depending on sample type)
- Ability to analyse samples without contact with the atmosphere
Equipment and Instruments :
- XPS KRATOS spectrometer
- XPS Thermo Kalpha Spectrometer
- XPS Spectrometer Thermo Escalab
- Auger AES Jeol Spectrometer
- Tandem MS TOF-SIMS Spectrometer Phi Electronics TRIFT 5
- Bruker AFM/STM Near-Field Microscopy system integrated in a glove box
- Gas/Solid Reactivity Reactor
- Sample preparation: 1 metallizer / 1 Cross Polisher system: ion cross section integrated in the glove box / 1 Focus Ion Beam FIB ion cross section integrated in the TOF-SIMS instrument / 2 Ar+ ion etching systems / 1 C24 etching system / 1 C60 etching system
- Environment : UHV transfer cases / 3 MBRAUN Glove Boxes (very low O2 and H20)
- Member of the RS2E Network - Labex Store EX (Network on electrochemical energy storage, research center on batteries and super-capacitors)
- Member of the European Network ALISTORE-ERI (dedicated to nanostructured materials for Li/Na ion batteries)