Platform “PHT"Plate High Voltage Processes

The PHT technical platform offers developments and measurement tools in the field of high voltages and high transient currents.
Fields of application
- Geosciences: treatment of dispersed media
- Environment: treatment of VOCs in the air, electro-filtration
- Health: electro-chemotherapy
- Food processing: disinfection, debacterialization
- Materials: design of thermoelectric generators, performance testing of electrical Equipment, equipment qualification
- Energy: storage, fast recharging
- Military: jamming, radar
Themes and skills
- High voltage pulse generation: high voltage withstand tests, lightning conductors,
electrofiltration... - Generation of strong impulse currents: electric discharges in fluids for testing of peeling, crushing, product extraction, ...
- Simulation software
- Metrology and electrical characterization: design of tools for measuring electrical currents and voltages, optical and electromagnetic characterization