


Objectives :

Isotopy of Metals, Metalloids, Radionuclides ... by Mass Spectrometry with Inductively Coupled Plasma Ionization Source, High Resolution & Multicollection of ions.

Themes and competences :

  • Development of innovative methods and innovative analytical solutions (mass spectrometry coupled with separative techniques) in order to meet the major challenges of the environment, sustainable development, biology, geological storage, fate of contaminants and the food industry.
  • Accurate measurement of the isotopic ratio of trace (or ultra-trace) elements, including interferences (Fe, Si,...).
  • Qualitative identification, adulteration, origin ...

Instruments :

  • Preparation accessories (Digestion, Extraction, Separation...) or coupling (GC)
  • Privileged access to existing systems fsLA, ICPHRMS, ICPMS, GC, Microwave, Ultrapure Water, from the PIA cluster for testing, testing, modifications, customizations...