Platform "IE ECP"Experimental Fish Behavioural Ecology Facility

The IE ECP plateau, which is adjacent to the Hydrobiology centre in St Pée sur Nivelle, offers studies on fish and aquatic resources in their environment.
Field of application
- Management of fish populations and their environment for the preservation of resources and biodiversity
- Evolution of populations
- Assessment of species in aquaculture
- Development of approaches to experimental ecology (in controlled or natural environments), modelling and population genetics.
Themes and skills
- Experimentation on migratory fish, focused on the study of the biology and behaviour of the species.
- Monitoring of migratory populations through traping/counting of individuals, fish stocking and capture in the wild
Equipment and Instruments
- Sclerochronology Laboratory
- Tools for genetic analysis of natural fish populations
- Control station
- Tracking by pit-tagging
- Radio tracking